Tyson Hugh Hooper

Tyson Hugh Hooper
Our son, Tyson Hugh Hooper, was born with coarctation of the aorta, hypoplastic arch, and a transitional avsd. His first open heart surgery reconstructed his aorta and was on day 9 of life. His second open heart repair was not anticipated to be needed until two or three years of age. Ty had other plans. We spent the vast majority of his first 3 months of life at Vanderbilt as he went into heart failure and was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension. As a result, the medical team concluded that he needed the repair much sooner than usually recommended, and at just shy of 3 months old Ty underwent his second life saving open heart surgery. God has already worked so many miracles in Ty's life and the life of our family and we know he is using our story. Because of this, we are grateful for Ty's special heart and feel beyond blessed that God chose us to travel this road. We ask for prayers as Ty continues to heal. We are praying for a full recovery and life without restrictions for Ty. We are praying for God to use our family and Ty for His glory.

Thank you to each and every person who supports us through prayer, giving, or just by loving on our family! We are humbled and blessed by all of the ways the Lord is providing for us and know that he is using Ty and his story to do great things!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

20 Things I Will Never Do...

... well, probably never do! I borrowed this idea for Leigh Ann's blog a long time ago and saved it for a slow blog week! I thought I would do my own list of 20 things I'll never do... in random order!

1. I will never pass up a good glass of wine.

2. I will never bungee jump, sky dive, or do any other extreme thing that flirts with major injury or death.

3. I will never enjoy scary movies – not a feeling I enjoy getting in touch with.

4. I will never give up girlz nights with high calorie food, high voltage laughs, and high heels (or flip flops).

5. I will never enjoy using a public restroom.

6. I will never just sit on the shore and watch others play in the ocean… I’ll play too!

7. I will never lose sight of the value of good friends and of diversified relationships.

8. I will never have a bed (for me) that is smaller than a king size!

9. I will never not get freaked out by bugs, and spiders, and anything creepy crawly!

10. I will never lose my love of travel.

11. I will never enjoy pulling weeds and doing yard work.

12. I will never stop enjoying art, museums, and tours (aka: I’ll never stop being a nerd!).

13. I will never not love old houses (although I am not sure I would ever want to live in one).

14. I will never lose my desire to see the Hawaiian Islands... even after I have been I am sure I will have the desire to go again and again.

15. I will never stop enjoying summers off.

16. I will never enjoy being uncomfortably hot and sweaty.

17. I will never love working out.

18. I will never give up cooking and enjoying good food.

19. I will never enjoy mopping and scrubbing the bathtub!

20. I will never leave home without my cell phone.

Well, there's my 20 Never will do list... If your blog week is as S-L-O-W as mine, why don't you tell me what some of yours are?


Megan L Hutchings said...

I loved reading your "never, will I ever" list! I loved your comment about the high heels/flip flops ;)!

So glad I made you laugh yesterday!!! Next year I think I will pack a picnic lunch with me ;)!

Leigh Ann said...

I loved your list and I'm right there with you on a lot of them. I still need to do my other 20 things, too. It has been a slow week for me, too. Sometimes that is a good thing, isn't it?! Hugs to you, Meag!

Lauren said...

I will never get tired of reading your blog! Even on your so-called "slow" days.