Tyson Hugh Hooper

Tyson Hugh Hooper
Our son, Tyson Hugh Hooper, was born with coarctation of the aorta, hypoplastic arch, and a transitional avsd. His first open heart surgery reconstructed his aorta and was on day 9 of life. His second open heart repair was not anticipated to be needed until two or three years of age. Ty had other plans. We spent the vast majority of his first 3 months of life at Vanderbilt as he went into heart failure and was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension. As a result, the medical team concluded that he needed the repair much sooner than usually recommended, and at just shy of 3 months old Ty underwent his second life saving open heart surgery. God has already worked so many miracles in Ty's life and the life of our family and we know he is using our story. Because of this, we are grateful for Ty's special heart and feel beyond blessed that God chose us to travel this road. We ask for prayers as Ty continues to heal. We are praying for a full recovery and life without restrictions for Ty. We are praying for God to use our family and Ty for His glory.

Thank you to each and every person who supports us through prayer, giving, or just by loving on our family! We are humbled and blessed by all of the ways the Lord is providing for us and know that he is using Ty and his story to do great things!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Mr. Hooper's surgery went very well today. They believe all of the tumor was removed. They said it was small and Rob quoted the doctor as saying, "It was like pulling a grape out of Jello, it slid right out." Obviously Mr. Hooper and his family need continued prayer as he takes on recovery and as they find out more about the tumor, if his brain was the origination site, if there is cancer elsewhere in his body, and if further medical care and treatment are needed. For today, however, we can thank God for his blessings on a very good day... Mr. Hooper's birthday, as a matter of fact! Thank you for praying and for continued prayer for the Hooper family! I know that your prayers are felt and appreciated!

Today was a great day on many levels! I spent the day off campus with my principal and two other teachers visiting another school and looking at some technology they use that my school is about to invest in. It was a nice day to be off campus and enjoy good company and get to see some new things and gain new ideas for next school year.

Tonight I met La, Moo, Marla, and Katy at Maple Street Grill before a meeting we all had to go to. It was so much fun. We had a great dinner and enjoyed good conversation. Our meeting took place in Judge Scott-Davenport's courtroom and was informative and enjoyable as always. Here is a cute picture of Lauren and Megan at the meeting...

...aren't they precious! I don't know what I would do without these girls! These two women bring so much joy to my life!! If we are anywhere near each other there is nothing but smiles, laughs, and good times to be had!

Thank you Lord for your many blessings that you rain upon us even when we are so undeserving. Thank you for your healing hand today in guiding medical staff and doctors as they performed surgery on Mr. Hooper. Thank you for your peace and strength as you wrapped a patient and a family in your presence. Thank you for recovery as you helped Mrs. Hitchcock return to work after recovering from her surgery. And thank you Lord for genuine and honest friendships that you have blessed my life with - I am forever grateful and in awe of your blessings. Amen.


Megan L Hutchings said...

I have chills on my arms and tears in my eyes!

Thank YOU for being a wonderful friend! I had so much fun at dinner...Yatzi's quote followed by "Hey, I'll have water!"

I love you sunshine!

Leigh Ann said...
