Tyson Hugh Hooper

Tyson Hugh Hooper
Our son, Tyson Hugh Hooper, was born with coarctation of the aorta, hypoplastic arch, and a transitional avsd. His first open heart surgery reconstructed his aorta and was on day 9 of life. His second open heart repair was not anticipated to be needed until two or three years of age. Ty had other plans. We spent the vast majority of his first 3 months of life at Vanderbilt as he went into heart failure and was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension. As a result, the medical team concluded that he needed the repair much sooner than usually recommended, and at just shy of 3 months old Ty underwent his second life saving open heart surgery. God has already worked so many miracles in Ty's life and the life of our family and we know he is using our story. Because of this, we are grateful for Ty's special heart and feel beyond blessed that God chose us to travel this road. We ask for prayers as Ty continues to heal. We are praying for a full recovery and life without restrictions for Ty. We are praying for God to use our family and Ty for His glory.

Thank you to each and every person who supports us through prayer, giving, or just by loving on our family! We are humbled and blessed by all of the ways the Lord is providing for us and know that he is using Ty and his story to do great things!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Counting down...

That's right kids, I am counting down! I officially have only 5 full school days remaining with students! Woo-woo! Of course we have a teacher work day on the 27th and the kids come to pick up their report cards on the 28th, but as far as actually having classes with students all day... this is the last week!!!! Boy am I ready for summer! I have thoroughly enjoyed this school year, but I think we are all (teachers and students) ready for a break!!!!!

This weekend just felt like summer. The weather was warm. I got some yard work done and some cleaning around the house (with the windows all up)! Cleaning's just better when you can have some good music on and the breeze blowing through the house, don't you think? Anyway, it just got me in the mood for summer time!!!

I did get to see some of my bests this weekend. I mean really? Would my post or my weekend really be complete without a picture of the three amigos???

Here are Me, La, and Moo all decked out in our cute summer tops, having a big time as always!

And here is a photo I took of Moo and Vance walking through the yard... I love the lighting in this picture - I thought it looked even more striking in black and white (gotta love digital!)

Overall it was a wonderful weekend and I am gearing up for what is sure to be a wild and wacky week! I wish each you a happy Monday, and rest of the week for that matter! Enjoy!


Leigh Ann said...

What a beautiful picture of Megan and Vance. The sunlight coming in is gorgeous! I'm glad this is your last week. I hope you have a good one. I know it will be nice to have a break.

E.B. in Tennessee said...

Enjoy your summer! You teachers certainly deserve it!

Megan L Hutchings said...

My LOVE! I absolutely loved our grill & chill =)! Will you please send me a copy of that picture?