Tyson Hugh Hooper

Tyson Hugh Hooper
Our son, Tyson Hugh Hooper, was born with coarctation of the aorta, hypoplastic arch, and a transitional avsd. His first open heart surgery reconstructed his aorta and was on day 9 of life. His second open heart repair was not anticipated to be needed until two or three years of age. Ty had other plans. We spent the vast majority of his first 3 months of life at Vanderbilt as he went into heart failure and was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension. As a result, the medical team concluded that he needed the repair much sooner than usually recommended, and at just shy of 3 months old Ty underwent his second life saving open heart surgery. God has already worked so many miracles in Ty's life and the life of our family and we know he is using our story. Because of this, we are grateful for Ty's special heart and feel beyond blessed that God chose us to travel this road. We ask for prayers as Ty continues to heal. We are praying for a full recovery and life without restrictions for Ty. We are praying for God to use our family and Ty for His glory.

Thank you to each and every person who supports us through prayer, giving, or just by loving on our family! We are humbled and blessed by all of the ways the Lord is providing for us and know that he is using Ty and his story to do great things!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Not much to write about...

... and sometimes that's a blessing!

You know, sometimes it is the most uneventful times that are the most enjoyable! No drama, no chaos, no major events or goings on... just life! That is what I have been up to the past few days, just plain-Jane, every-day, ordinary life... and it's good!

Monday I had dinner with Julie, Lynn, and her son Austin and we had a great time laughing and talking and eating a Logan's. Then I went to bed early. Tuesday I met Jerri for drinks shortly after work and we spent the better part of three hours catching up - I enjoyed every second. Tonight I had a fun/"work" dinner with some JLM gals... Me, Megan, Molly, Marla (that's a lot of M's) and Carrie! We did a little planning for a fundraiser in the fall and enjoyed a dinner at Puleo's. Tomorrow I am looking forward to a night and dinner in! Reflecting on my "every-day" outings this week, I am struck by how many good friends I have in my life. It is such a blessing to be busy - good busy - and to have so many interesting friends from so many different areas, ages, and stages of life... it is very enriching and a blessing I hope I never take for granted!

Something else I did this week was let myself wonder around Sam's. I am NOT a fan of Wal-Mart! It's too big, too bulk, too much! I rarely go. This is ironic, because I LOVE Sam's!! Hmm... lets analyze... same company, where you buy in bulk, and it's huge! I guess I like it better because there is better parking and it's not as crowded! Plus, it's not somewhere you go for an every day shopping trip! Anyway, I went to get pictures developed and decided to let myself browse! I let my eyes feast over everything from furniture to appliances, from computers to patio accessories. I did exercise self control, however. I only purchased three things (in addition to my pictures).

I got a new book called, The Color Of Water, which I thought looked (yes, I sometimes judge a book by its cover) and sounded interesting.

I am trying to stretch my mind a little and branch out... I was stuck on a James Patterson kick for a while and I am ready for a change of pace!

I also picked up the sixth season on Sex and the City. A guilty pleasure of mine! I love the show and have all of the seasons except for this one which I bought yesterday!

Season six is actually my favorite season!!! And, what's better is the DVD set came with a free ticket to the movie! I can't wait!
The third thing I purchased was a gift, so I have to keep it under wraps for a while! Sorry folks, I know you are on the edge of your seats! Yeah, right!
Anyway, so far I have had a blissfully simple and social week! Hope you are enjoying your week as much as I am enjoying mine!


Lauren said...

Gotta love simplicity!! I love that you got a new book! I hope it's good.

Leigh Ann said...

I'm glad you are having a good week. Your countdown is almost over!!! I bet you are looking forward to that!

Megan L Hutchings said...

I hope that your new book is good! I am taking Don't Bet Against Me to GB so hopefully I will get it to you SOON!

Love simplicity but LOVE YOU MORE!