I have decided to blog about my weekend in stages instead of covering it all at once and I am starting with Friday... Halloween! Not my favorite holiday, but still cuteness with the little ones dressing up and all!
I live on a very quiet, very short street and so I rarely have any trick-or-treaters... this year was different though! I had two VERY SPECIAL trick-or-treaters ring my doorbell and come in for a visit!
First, Vance came to see me...
He was SOOO cute! He got some candy and a little pack of Teddy Grams! Megan and Web were with him (of course!)...
My next guest of honor was Dawon (aka D-Word)!
Is this not the cutest baby costume you have ever seen! He was a sweetest little puppy dog and he even had down in "woof, woof!!!!" TOOOO cute!
A BIG thanks to the parents of these two little guys - y'all are the best and you just made my Halloween!!!!!
Side note: I, myself, went trick or treating at Best Buy! I had to sign some things and use a little plastic card, but I walked away with a BIG treat.... a new lap top! YAY! I have been in pretty serious need of a new computer - I have had this one since college (ha!) so it's time for an update. I am keeping this desktop as a back up - it's not totally useless, just slow and the CD/DVD player-burner doesn't work anymore... oh, and I have to unplug and replug the mouse every time I get on it! lol. Anyway, Geek Squad is coming today to get my wireless set up and to network both my computers to my new printer! WooWoo!!!!
Don't you just love it when friends stop over?! I know I do.
And horray for a new lap top!! I got mine in March and I'm still totally in love....my desktop is still hooked up and takes (I'm not kidding) 28 minutes to boot up! I should just throw it away...stupid piece of you know what!
Yeah!! Here's to happier and COMFIER blogging! :-)
Thanks Aunt Meag for letting us stop by on Halloween ;)! You are always so good to us...such a blessing!
sounds like you had a great Halloween night! I tried texting you early in the week to see if you wanted to come to Kristin's Halloween party. I was only in Nash Friday night for the party but I wish I could have seen you!
Congrats on the new laptop! Thats awesome!
Ok, that sounded kind of bad. I meant that Derek could work for them because he is so technically savvy...not that he is a geek (well, he might have a little in him). :) Hee hee.
I agree. Those are about the cutest trick-or-treaters I've ever seen! D is pulling up??? Oh my goodness! Yay for your new computer. It is so fun to get new stuff like that. Thank goodness for the Geek Squad. Derek could SO work for them. Ha!
Thank you for being an amazing aunt to D-Word!
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