This is a picture Kelly snagged at her little girl's birthday party 2 weeks ago, but it's a good belly shot! lol. Ava Grace is definately growing!
How Far Along:
36 week tomorrow. According to my doctor, after tomorrow if I go into labor, I will no longer be considered "pre-term," so any time from here on out is a go! :-)
Size of Baby:
My belly is measuring right on target. Dr. Hamrang said "she isn't measuring large or anything" - so that's good! She estimated her to be almost or just over 5 lbs at this point.
Total Weight Gain:
19 lbs (still on target for staying under 25 lbs total weight gain!)
Maternity Clothes:
So thankful for stretchy maternity clothes! I live in maternity jeans and long sleeved fitted tees.
GIRL! And our house looks like a pink bomb exploded in it! All of Ava Grace's stuff is against the kitchen wall in anticipation of our move! We are starting to feel like hoarders! lol
She is one busy girl and she keeps my belly hoppin' (literally!). She like to have a 4 AM party every night! She is most active in the evenings between 7-9. Her new trick is stretching her legs and tucking her feet under my ribs. Her daddy likes to wake her up by poking and shaking my belly and she usually pokes right back in protest. No more rolling around - not enough room! Dr. Hamrang checked me for the first time yesterday and said, although no progression has begun, her head is right there and she is in position! She moves her hands a lot too, and that hurts because it's so low, but she's worth it! :-)
Hard to come by! lol. I wake up several times a night to turn over or make one of many trips to the restroom because she likes to use my bladder as a pillow. I also have crazy dreams!
Not much! Heart burn, but now that she is fully head down, it's gotten a little better. I still crave sweets and milk, lol. I have to eat more often, but can't eat much at one time. There's no room in there!
What I Miss:
I am looking forward to a nice glass of wine on the couch in the evening!
Milk and Sweets!
Best Moment This Week:
Going to the doctor and finding out that she is in position! :-) AND getting everything signed for the new house so we can move in before Christams (fingers crossed) and set up our nursery - and the rest of the house for that matter! :-)
What I'm Looking Forward To:
Seeing what our sweet girl looks like and holding her in my arms! We are so excited!
You look SO GREAT!! I can't believe she is almost here! I am so excited to see that sweet girl!!
NOW I can see that you are obviously pregnant! Great picture! If she's in position and ready, then just tell her to come on out! I'm not opposed to spending New Years Eve at at the hospital instead of your living room. I'm sure we can bring all the food with us. The nurses would probably enjoy that!
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