One recent afternoon a cloud appeared in the distance and quickly blew in some cooler air! After record breaking heat and consistent upper 90s for 3 weeks with no rain, it was a welcome break! After dinner, Chris walked outside to the patio and quickly returned to the house and declared that Lily and I needed to put our shoes on! It was TOO nice out not to enjoy it, so we loaded up in the car and headed to the greenway!
We brought our fishing pole and headed right to the water...
Lily and I enjoyed the weather and she waded some while Chris fished. She wanted to see every catch up close and personal! With several of the fish she wanted to hold them and put them back in the water
Chris caught quite a few fish and I gave some rock skipping lessons to Lily.
And of course, half way through she decided she had to potty and we were no where near a bathroom!! So, I also gave a lesson on going potty in the woods which she declared was "disgusting" and I heartily agreed!
It was a perfect evening enjoying God's beautiful world and the wonderful blessing of my family! Hopefully we will get to do it again very soon!!!
What a great way to spend an evening! How did my "city girl" learn to potty outside so that she could teach her little "city girl"?
So fun!! It'll be even more fun when you're sitting on a blanket with a little one joining in on the fun, too!!! :) I remember going fishing with Ryan before Gavin got mobile--enjoy those times!
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